Our School Governors
Cllr C. Holley | LA Governor (Chair) |
Mr M. Thompson | Headteacher |
Miss M. Sneade | Teacher Governor |
Mrs J. Tucker | Teacher Governor |
Ms S. Couch | Support Staff Governor |
Mrs S. Jones | Parent Governor |
Mrs H. Cooper | Parent Governor |
Mr M. Cassamo | Parent Governor |
Mr M. Giffard | Parent Governor |
Mr S. Thomas | Parent Governor |
Cllr G. Thomas | LA Governor |
Mrs M. Enereba | LA Governor |
Cllr P. Black | LA Governor |
Mrs E. Dewson | Co-opted Governor |
Mr N. Hawkins | Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair) |
Ms A. Jamal | Co-opted Governor |
Mrs S. Lewis | Clerk to Governors |
The School Governors together with the Headteacher, make decisions about how the school is run. They meet at least once a term. School Governors are: parents, Local Council representatives, community representatives and teachers and support staff of the school. They have legal duties, powers and responsibilities in the management of our school. They can only act together, not individually. Parent governors are elected by the parents of the school. They serve, as do other governors, for a period of four years. Parent governors bring the views of parents to the governing body. However, they are not delegates for parents, as they speak and act as individuals